Welcome to Zoink's Website!

Sometimes Zoinks, sometimes Alex, sometimes a name that many on this page won't ever know!

I like to write bad stories in my free time.
Here are some of the monuments to my sins
Out of the Frying Pan: Redux In which I take a beloved character from the Halo franchise and turn her into a furry. There's an older version that I thought was bad, so I started over. The old one still exists on fanfiction.net, but I'll leave the redux here instead. Out of the Frying Pan:Redux
He Brought Me to a Fight for Valentine's In which I write for a contest in a franchise I know almost nothing about. A simple (and maybe a little humurous) short where Fay picks Fox as her Valentine. New chapters are planned, but I don't expect it to be as big as OFP:R He Brought me to a Fight for Valentine's